This project was about developing a very simple collection game. Where I coded and designed the game in its entirly. The user would control a character and be tasked to collect specific items on the screen, while not run into others. It was meant to tech us the simplest techniques with for loops, while loops, and if else statements. It quickly built a strong foundation for me and really got my mind into coding.
Before this class I had no experience with coding. ICS 111 was a class I took to see what else was out there in the world, and what else my college had to offer. When this project was first assigned I was taken back because I could not wrap my brain around how to tell a computer to do what I wanted it to do. I had a rocky start, as it seemed like everyone else in the class had prior experience with coding. I would see red lines in my IDE and have tons of bugs in my code, but it seemed like the more that I got frustrated with my code the more I wanted to work on to improve it. In the end I was able to learn a lot from this project.
Link: YouTube Link