Introduction When trying to wrap your head around design patterns for the coding world, it helps to take a virtual step back, and remove all thoughts of C, C++, Java, or [insert your favorite coding language here that for some...
This week I learned to use HTML and CSS. I just want to say that it has been extremely fun! I have never used or seen HTML or CSS before this week. The only languages that I know so far...
Before ICS 314, my first software development class, I used an IDE called Ecllipse. It was the first IDE I have ever used and it was in this IDE that I had my first experience coding. My first ICS professor...
In the world of science and technology, we all appreciate a good problem to solve. Weather you are an Engineer, Mathematician, Chemist, or Computer Scientist, just to name a few fields, we are all united as problem solvers. It is...
In the world of coding I am still a complete newbie. With only three languages under my belt, Java, C, and C++, I am far from being a full-fledged programmer; I am more of a programmer in training. When learning...